Program Outline

Fun With Spelling 2

This program uses a phonics approach to teach over 400 Level 2 spelling words. The word lists are grouped by short and long vowel patterns, consonant blend and diagraph patterns.

Short Vowel Patterns

Unit 1: Short a

Level 2 students will focus on Short Vowel Patterns, specifically words including a short a; crash, drag, fast, flat, grab, has, past, plan, slap, flag, trap.
15 Lessons

Unit 2: Short e

Level 2 students will focus on Short Vowel Patterns, specifically words including a short e; dress, end, fresh, help, jet, send, sled, slept, went, neck.
15 Lessons

Unit 3: Short i

Level 2 students will focus on Short Vowel Patterns, specifically words including a short i; crib, crisp, drill, drip, flip, grip, his, lift, milk, slip, trim.
15 Lessons

Unit 4: Short o

Level 2 students will focus on Short Vowel Patterns, specifically words including a short o; block, crop, drop, flop, fox, frog, from, off, plop, stop, trot.
15 Lessons

Unit 5: Short u

Level 2 students will focus on Short Vowel Patterns, specifically words including a short u; bump, crush, crust, grunt, jump, just, plum, put, trunk.
15 Lessons

Long Vowel Patterns

Unit 1: a-e

Level 2 students will focus on Long Vowel Patterns, specifically words including a long a-e; ate, came, grade, gave, made, make, name, page, sale, same, save, take.
15 Lessons

Unit 2: i-e

Level 2 students will focus on Long Vowel Patterns, specifically words including a long i-e; bike, bite, dive, five, mine, slide, pie, ride, size, smile, time, white.
15 Lessons

Unit 3: o-e

Level 2 students will focus on Long Vowel Patterns, specifically words including a long o-e; bone, code, cone, hope, hose, mole, nose, note, rope, store, stove.
15 Lessons

Unit 4: long o - ow

Level 2 students will focus on Long Vowel Patterns, specifically words including a long o; own, low, blow, snow, yellow, show, grow, throw, bowl, slow, window, crow
14 Lessons

Unit 5: ee

Level 2 students will focus on Long Vowel Patterns, specifically words including a long ee; bee, feet, green, jeep, need, free, seeds, sleep, sweet, tree.
15 Lessons

Unit 6: ai

Level 2 students will focus on Long Vowel Patterns, specifically words including a long ai; chain, fail, faint, mail, nail, pail, pain, railway, rain, tail, train.
15 Lessons

Unit 7: ay

Level 2 students will focus on Long Vowel Patterns, specifically words including a long ay; bay, clay, day, hay, lay, may, pay, play, say, today, tray.
15 Lessons

Consonant Combos

Unit 1: ll

This Level 2 unit focuses on consonant combos, specifically the combination of the letters ll; bell, doll, fell, fill, hill, kill, sell, spell, still, will.
15 Lessons

Unit 2: all

This Level 2 unit focuses on consonant combos, specifically the combination of the letters all; all, ball, call, fall, tall, hall, small, stall, mall.
15 Lessons

Unit 3: ss

This Level 2 unit focuses on consonant combos, specifically the combination of the letters ss; boss, class, cross, glass, grass, kiss, less, mess, pass, press, toss.
15 Lessons

Unit 4: ck

This Level 2 unit focuses on consonant combos, specifically the combination of the letters ck; back, black, brick, clock, duck, kick, lock, pack, sick, sock, track, trick, truck.
15 Lessons

Words with y

Unit 1: y - as in try

Level 2 students will study words with y, specifically with the sound of y-as in try; try, dry, my, by, cry, fly, fry, shy, sky.
15 Lessons

Unit 2: y - as in happy

Level 2 students will study words with y, specifically with the sound of y-as in happy; baby, body, candy, daddy, funny, happy, mommy, penny, puppy, silly, very.
15 Lessons

Consonant Digraphs

Unit 1: th - beginning

Level 2 students study words with consonant digraphs including those that begin with th; than, that, these, them, then, there, thin, think, this, three, they
15 Lessons

Unit 2: th - ending

Level 2 students study words with consonant digraphs including those that end with th; with, moth, both, path, cloth, fifth, sixth, north, south, bath
15 Lessons

Unit 3: sh - beginning

Level 2 students study words with consonant digraphs including those that begin with sh; shake, shall, she, shelf, shell, ship, shop, shot, shut.
15 Lessons

Unit 4: sh - ending

Level 2 students study words with consonant digraphs including those that end with sh; bush, cash, dish, fish, push, rash, rush, smash, wish.
15 Lessons

Unit 5: ch - beginning

Level 2 students study words with consonant digraphs including those that begin with ch; chat, chap, chip, chimp, chest, chop, chick, cherry, chin.
15 Lessons

Unit 6: ch - ending

Level 2 students study words with consonant digraphs including those that end with ch; bench, bunch, lunch, much, ranch, rich, such.
15 Lessons

Unit 7: wh - question words

Level 2 students study words with consonant digraphs including those that begin with wh, question words; why, what, when, where, which, who, whose.
15 Lessons

R with Vowels

Unit 1: ar

Level 2 students study words with R controls vowels including words that include the letters ar; car, park, start, farm, hard, part, art, yard, bark, arm, party, jar.
15 Lessons

Unit 2: er

Level 2 students study words with R controls vowels including words that include the letters er; over, finger, number, ever, never, member, sister, brother, under, mother, father, her.
15 Lessons

Unit 3: ir

Level 2 students study words with R controls vowels including words that include the letters ir; fir, first, bird, stir, third, firm, chirp, birthday, girl, dirt, shirt.
15 Lessons

Unit 4: or

Level 2 students study words with R controls vowels including words that include the letters or; fort, sort, short, fork, corn, forty, story, horn, pork, cord, forgot.
15 Lessons

Other Common Spelling Patterns

Unit 1: ow - as in cow

Level 2 students study words with common spelling patterns including the letters ow; brown, cow, crown, down, flower, frown, gown, how, now, owl, towel.
15 Lessons

Unit 2: ew - as in new

Level 2 students study words with common spelling patterns including the letters ew; dew, few, flew, blew, grew, stew, new, chew, news, screw.
15 Lessons

Unit 3: oo Words

Level 2 students study words with common spelling patterns including the letters oo; too, food, room, broom, pool, soon, moon, boot, cool, tool, zoo, noon.
15 Lessons

Unit 4: ing Words

Level 2 students study words with common spelling patterns including the letters ing; sing, bring, ring, swing, wing, sting, string, spring, thing, king, cling.
15 Lessons

Unit 5: igh Words

Level 2 students study words with common spelling patterns including the letters igh; bright, fight, fright, high, light, might, night, right, sight, tight.
15 Lessons

Unit 6: Compound Words

Level 2 students study words with common spelling patterns including compound words.
15 Lessons

Unit 7: Contractions

Level 2 students study words with common spelling patterns including contractions.
13 Lessons

Spelling Challenge

Unit 1: List 1

In this Level 2 unit students will study challenging words including the ones included in List 1; about, are, because, children, come, does, friend, goes, have, house.
15 Lessons

Unit 2: List 2

In this Level 2 unit students will study challenging words including the ones included in List 2; know, many, once, only, our, people, please, said, saw, school.
15 Lessons

Unit 3: List 3

In this Level 2 unit students will study challenging words including the ones included in List 3; some, teacher, their, they, toys, walk, want, was, were, your.
15 Lessons

Spelling Rules

Unit 1: Adding "s" is s-s-so Easy!

In this Level 2 unit students are given practice problems to help them study spelling rules when adding and removing word endings. In this unit add the s; apple, book, cat, dog, doll, game, hug, look, love, play, ring, run, stay, toy.
4 Lessons

Unit 2: es - The Odd Couple

In this Level 2 unit students are given practice problems to help them study spelling rules when adding and removing word endings. In this unit add es; box, bus, church, dish, dress, flash, fox, glass, kiss, lunch, tax, wish.
4 Lessons

Unit 3: Just Add the Ending

In this Level 2 unit students are given practice problems to help them study spelling rules when adding and removing word endings. In this unit add the given ending; camp, end, fast, help, hunt, joy, jump, lump, old, plant, play, play, pray, print, stay, stink, want, wind.
4 Lessons

Unit 4: Double Trouble

In this Level 2 unit students are given practice problems to help them study spelling rules when adding and removing word endings. In this unit work with double trouble words; chat, dig, drum, get, hit, let, pet, plan, run, sad, spin, spot, stop, swim, tap, win.
4 Lessons

Unit 5: Drop the Final e

In this Level 2 unit students are given practice problems to help them study spelling rules when adding and removing word endings. In this unit drop the final e; bake, blame, care, come, give, have, hide, hike, hope, love, make, move, name, ride, take, use.
4 Lessons

Unit 6: Keep the Final e

In this Level 2 unit students are given practice problems to help them study spelling rules when adding and removing word endings. In this unit keep the final e; care, like, love, use, hope, safe, time.
4 Lessons